Monday, September 22, 2008

Intro Paragraph to Research Paper on Louis XIV, King of France

Okay, here goes my first effort!

Title: A Vision of Style

The capacity of which one person can affect a whole country’s culture is summed up in the reign of one man. Louis XIV, King of France, set precedence for the lifestyle culture of France, which has exceeded into today’s world. Not a man to be complacent or bored, he catapulted France into a new age with vigorous energy, personality, and not always with consideration of possible consequences to others. This is a tale of a man whose vision surpassed most men’s wildest dreams. The affects of this one man would change France forever.

1 comment:

cbertucci said...

Well I am very intrigued by this 1st paragraph...I definitely want to read on & learn more about this flambuoyant character King Louie!
You have accomplished what an intro 1st paragragh/thesis statement is supposed to accomplish.....Entice the well done, fellow classmate Lisa!